Sleshmagajamkusa is useful remedy for diseases of phlegm, anasarca, numbness,cold and cough effects due to water changes,throat infections and swara bhanga
Helps to reduce overheat in the body.
Mahakanakasundurarasa a guaranteed Medicine/treatment for T.B. at all stages and promotes longevity, vitality and vigour. Remedy for anemia ,jaundice and swasa.
Swarnasuryavarthi is Very useful in jaundice,liver, spleen and mental disorders,chronic nausea,vomiting and all bilious ailments 100% safe and No side effects
Kanakabalasuryodaya is an ayurvedic medicine useful for chronic fevers, dry cough, anemia, distaste, hard breathing and cough.
Rajasirobhushanam is an effective ayurvedic medicine useful in partial,facial,tongue and brain paralysis. Controls tremors and a special medicine for paraplegia.
Ayurvedic effective medicine for all malarial,chronic and complicated fevers,helps to correct enlargement of liver & spleen,Improves appetite and Removes bile
Ayurvedic medicine used to cure anemia,cough,hard breathing, jaundice, distaste,blood-lessness,weakness, chronic fever and gives strength and enriches blood.
Rajita Rasayana is an ayurvedic medicine useful to cure Lucorrohea in women and spermatorrhea in men,removes stress in heart,burning sensation in arms and feet.
Astalohapoornachandrodaya is Useful to controls spermatorrhea, early ejaculation,It also Improves vigor and Removes weakness.
Kantavallabharasa is Ayurvedic medicine useful for anemia, jaundice, chronic fevers and odemageneralised,A good appetizer, corrects disorders of liver and spleen.
Rajatachandrodaya Tablets are useful for heat bodies. Improves blood and vitality,cures palpitation,stops spermatorrhea,gives sexual potency and removes anxiety.
RAJATADI LOHA is used for phlegmbile, cold and cough, pain in heart, phlegm,respiration and numbness.100% safe and Natural remedy with Zero side effects.
Balasuryodayam is useful for chronic fevers, pneumonial fever, influenza, phlegm(sleshma) fevers and fevers in jaundice,Cures cough , respiration and anemia.
Vatarakshasam ayurvedic remedy used in fevers of vata, removes all pains in the body. Useful for suthika vata and titanus100% safe and No side effects
Kasakesari is an ayurvedic medicine used for cough, hard breathing, dry cough and whooping cough. VAN Ltd 100% Natural treatment No Side Effects.
Pravalachandrodaya is an effective medicine with No side effects useful for cure cough, hard breathing, heaviness of heart, dry cough and respiratory ailments.
Sleshmagajamkusa is useful remedy for diseases of phlegm, anasarca,numbness,cold and cough effects due to water changes,throat infections and swara bhanga
Rasarat is an ayurvedic medicine useful for phlegm diseases,chest pain and heaviness in chest, cold,cough, hard breathing and can be used for infants also.
Rasaparpati is an ayurvedic medicine useful for infants, cures cough,cold,hard breathing,indigestion and fever. 100% safe Natural remedy with Zero side effects.
Srijayamangalarasa a trusted remedy for fevers like chronic, malarial, unspecified,It acts well on parched throat and constipation.100% safe and No side effects.
Swasachintamanirasa is an effective ayurvedic medicine useful to stop hard breathing and gives relief rapidly. 100% safe and Natural remedy with No side effects
Ayurvedic Medicine useful for all cases of cough and in the advanced stages of T.B.Also used for pregnant ladies in all cases of cough and fevers.100% safe.
Ekotharavrudhimahalakshmivilasarasa is very useful to remove pain in chest, sensation of heat all over the body,irritable cough, chronic fever, anemia.
Chandravarthirasa is useful for people suffering from periodical headache keeps the brain cool and calm , symptoms of deranged liver and spleen,Removes,vertigo.
Poornachandrarasa is useful to works on prameha, rheumatism, uterus, vagina and healthy pregnancy.
VAN providing Ayurvedic medicine for chronic and recurring types of Gonnorhea. 100% safe and Natural remedy with Zero side effects,VAN Ltd serving since 1925.
Ekangaveerarasa is useful in paralysis attacks on account of nervous debility,cures twisting of mouth,tetanus, cures pains in joints.
Pradarantakarasa is an ayurvedic effective medicine to be used in all severe cases of leucorrhoea. 100% safe and Zero side effects,VAN Ltd serving since 1925.
Indusekhararasa is an ayurvedic medicine useful for gonorrhoea either acute or chronic. Its effect is marvelous. Checks burning and discharging miraculously.
Ayurvedic medicine useful to cure fever due to bile, burning in the chest,watering in mouth,jaundice,souribile and vomiting.Works on urinary tract disorders.
Suryavarthi medicine used to neutralize liver dysfunction,speedy recovery of liver damage,remedy for disorders of bilious nature,headache fever due to bile.
Ayurvedic medicine very useful for urinary disorders. It cures stranguary,retention of urine,urine falling in drops and jets with burning sensation.
Sindurabhushanam is Useful to pregnant women, in nausea and vomiting, feeling of heat in the body and uneasiness and other symptoms generally appear.
Mahachandrakalarasa is useful for all cases of haemorrhage due to excess of heat in body. Relieves heart burn, heat, thirst, urinary disorders and leucorrhoea.
Ayurvedic medicine very useful in puerperal,sannipata fevers and puerperal diseases,It not only cures but also prevents all sorts of diseases after delivery.
Pratapalankeswaram is an effective ayurvedic medicine useful for simple, puerperal and sannipatha fevers and disorders of all sorts of nervous pains of the body.
Chandrakalarasa is useful for speedy relief in pitta affections, burning in stomach, indigestion due to over heat,blood piles,blood bile and heat in the body.
Ayurvedic medicine useful to cure affections produced by bile that removes distaste and other ailments like burning sensation in stomach,vomiting and vertigo.
Anandhabhyravi is effective medicine Useful to cure ordinary, simple fevers, typhoid fever and pains in the body.
Hikkanashanarasa is Useful to cure hiccoughs caused by typhoid or any other reason, A special remedy for trouble some hiccoughs and require immediate treatment.
Rajodarsini useful in amenorrhoea and effectively regulates monthly course in women’s Menstrual cycle and obesity, dyspepsia,decreases excess weight.
Bruhatyogarajaguggul is an effective ayurvedic medicine useful in acute stages of rheumatism,Cures joint pains and swelling in joints.
Ayurvedic medicine useful to control Blood Pressure and symptoms like Giddiness,State of Anxiety and Palpitation 100% safe,Natural remedy with Zero side effects.
Ayurvedic effective medicine used in all cases of filariasis especially associated with recurring fevers and reduces the size of part affected by the disease.
Vatagajamkusa a specific remedy for nervous disorders and frequent fever born of indigestion,useful in hemiplegia and paraplegia and helps to cure beriberi
Chandraprabhadivati is useful for menstrual and seminal disorders,cures urinary disorders, prameha, irritation and pain while passing urine,cures piles.
Amrutasanjeevirasa is an ayurvedic medicine which is Useful to cure ordinary simple fevers, typhoid fever and pains in the body.
Seetamsurasa an Ayurvedic well known medicine useful for Malarial fevers born from bile and phlegm, nausea and vomiting.100% safe and Zero side effects.
Pradarariloham is Ayurvedic medicine useful to cure Leucorrhoea and other disorders of the female genital organs, removes pain in the back and pelvis in no time
Ayurvedic Medicine Pradarachintamani is 100% Natural product with No Side Effects and works on leucorrhoea, menstrual pains,removes back pains and pelvic pain.
Sleepadagajakesari is useful in filariasis in all its manifestations,removes constipation,fever and reduces heaviness of the part affected.100% safe and Natural
Chandanadivati is effective medicine useful to cure gonorrhoea in all stages,leucorrhoea,other discharges,cures burning sensation,ulceration of the urethra.
Sukhavirechanavati is an ayurvedic safe laxative medicine used for indigestion.100% Natural remedy with Zero side effects.VAN Ltd serving since 1925.
Krimighatinigutika is a Natural ayurvedic medicine useful to effectively remove worms such as tape worm, round worm and so on in the stomach and intestines.
Hingwadivati an ayuirvedic medicine useful in children for pains in the stomach, diarrhea and dysentery.
ABHRAKA BHASMA(SATAPUTA),A nectar for prameha Controls over heat, dry cough and useful in all urinary ailments.
Kantabhraka Sindura is Useful to give strength, reduces excessive heat from bones,improves complexion, promotes sexual potency.
Vanga Bhasma is an ayurvedic Natural medicine useful in prameha, gonnorhoea, diabetes,leucorrhoea,Spermotorrhoea ,blood bile and useful in bilious constitutions.
Ayurvedic medicine used for anaemia, jaundice, dropsy,chronic fever, heaviness and pain in the chest, flatulence and periodical sula pains in the abdomen .
Ayurvedic effective medicine for leucorrhoea and gonnorrhoea.It helps to reduce excessive heat and burning of hands and feet,No side effects 100% safe.
Mouktika Bhasma is an Ayurvedic medicine very useful in diabetes,stranguary and detention of urine, urinary calculi,Carbuncle,cough and general debility.
VAN providing effective medicine Pravala Bhasma is useful in phthisis,cough and phlegm. 100% safe and Natural remedy with Zero side effects serving since 1925.
Sankha Bhasma is an effective Ayurvedic medicine useful to cure sula,indigestion and Pain in stomach,also cures difficult and painful urination problems.
A vital Ayurvedic medicine to cure thinness of the semen,Stops speedy emissions,Creates great sexual potency, strength,and satisfaction,boost up energy and vigor.
Trivrut Lehya is an ayurvedic medicine useful for harmless laxative and puts off constipation on regular usage.Very comfortable for patients of piles.
Ayurvedic medicine useful for women after delivery, sutikaroga,Removes post pregnancy weakness,A great tonic to puerperal women,Cures sciatica, Osteoporosis.
Kalyana Ghruta is Useful in sterility, nervous disorders like epilepsy, hysteria and skin diseases, Purifies vatarakta and gives birth to healthy babies.
Vatari Taila is Useful in rheumatic pains and swellings, arthritis and nervous pains and to be applied externally twice daily
VAN Ltd 100% Natural Remedy No Side Effects Ayurvedic Medicine Bhrungamalaka Taila works on headache, dandruff and burning sensation of eyes.
Ayurvedic medicine to be used externally for wry neck, paralysis, twisting of mouth and effected parts of hemiplegic and other nervous affections.
Chandanadi Taila very useful in hysteria,epilepsy, sensation of heat in head, Helps to cool brain Gives satisfaction to the Removes burning and redness of eyes.
Vidangadi Taila an Ayurvedic medicine effectively used for external application in Elephantiasis and reduces swelling in the affected part
Sushupti Taila an Ayurvedic medicine that sharpens the brain and gives mental rest with sound sleep without dreams.Natural remedy with Zero side effects
Brahmi(Saraswati) Taila is an ayurvedic medicine helps to Cure fainting insanity, hysteria and cools the system. Stops falling of hair and smoothness the hair.
Chandanasava , effective medicine useful in gonorrhea, spermatorrhoea, urinary disorders attended by burning sensation and other diseases in women
VAN providing effective Ayurvedic medicine specific for heart disease and palpitations.100% safe,Natural remedy with Zero side effects serving since 1925.
Talisadi Churna is useful in hard breathing,cough, vomiting,distaste,dry cough,throat infections,En-kindles the digestive fire.100% safe and Natural remedy .